Our Team
Get to know us

Margret Mulbach
Osteopath / Physiotherapist
For over 35 years, I have been gathering experience as a physiotherapist, with additional experience as a osteopath since 2015. My professional path first led me to the Brüderkrankenhaus St. Josef in Koblenz where, in addition to practical station work, I worked as a teacher at the school of physiotherapy. After 5 years as a senior physiotherapist, I began looking for a new field of activity in the Rehaklinik Aukammtal, a clinic for conservative and operative orthopaedics. A combination of my desire for change, my intention of learning the Spanish language, and my great fortune in receiving the opportunity to engage in self-employment at the Hotel Botánico in Puerto de la Cruz on the island of Tenerife finally led me to relocate to the Canary Islands in 1998. We have since spent over 20 years treating patients, both foreign and domestic, in our practice, “Centro Mocán”. I have completed the following additional advanced training courses: Manual therapy, Bruegger, manual lymph drainage, FDM (fascia therapy) CMD (jaw treatment), as well as five years of professional training as an osteopath.
Susanne Erler
Osteopath / Physiotherapist
I worked at my first job as a gymnastics instructor for 3 years in Bad Camberg, in a psychosomatic orthapaedic rehabilitation clinic. This training and the first years I spent in practice influenced me and stimulated my further development, both professionally as well as personally, and provided me with a a very good basis for my further career path. I still love leading the gymnastic groups to this day! Then came my training as a physiotherapist, which I completed in 1992, following which I worked in various clinics about Germany, most recently in the Rehaklinik Aukammtal in Wiesbaden. I have been an osteopath since 2006. Osteopathy facilitated my efforts to develop more efficient and goal-oriented working methods, as well as my ability to recognise and comprehend the causal connections in the development of symptoms. During the summer of 1998, I arrived in Tenerife, which was followed by 5 years of self-employment at the Hotel Botánico, and then the move to professional chambers in La Paz. Since 2010, we have maintained our own professional chambers here in El Durazno. Additional training in manual therapy, Brügger, EFT (Effective Functional Therapy), Atlas therapy.
Michaela Kaiser
Physiotherapist / Osteopath in formation
Following vocal and dance instruction, I completed my physiotherapy training in 2010, whereupon I worked at the Olga Hospital in Stuttgart with both adult and juvenile patients. This is in addition to work I performed in the areas of prevention and pain management in an orthopaedic group practice as well as in a vital centre at the Mercedes Benz plant. I have lived with my family in Tenerife since 2017.
At the current time, I am training to become an osteopath. My areas of specialisation are: Manual therapy, fascia therapy, lymph drainage, yoga for old and young.
Monika Kraus
I completed my training as a physiotherapist following a course of study from 1989 to 1991 at the nationally recognised school of physiotherapy in Worms. I first gained experience in this occupation during my year-long practicum at the Universitätsklinik Mainz.
Of particular interest to me are the entire range of manual techniques, such as Cyriax’s therapy for pain reduction, or the manual methods devised by Dr. Vordder for decongestion of the lymphatic tissue.
Following my sejour in Mainz, I spent several years working in a private physiotherapy practice in Tübingen. My husband’s decision to change careers brought us to Tenerife in 1997. I’ve been a member of the team since 1999. You won’t just see me at our offices. I actually prefer making house calls.
Renate Dogge
Yoga teacher
I am an accredited yoga teacher and a member of the BYV professional organisation.
The topic of “healing” has been an interest of mine since my youth. In addition to various continuing educational courses, I am currently a reflexology therapist (CH), and I am trained in psychokinesiology.
In addition to various methods for keeping healthy, Yoga, in particular, has been a life companion of mine since I reached the age of twenty. I have completed various courses of further study in yoga styles during the many years in which I was self-employed as a continuing education management expert.
Yoga is a path that leads from the body to the self. It has the potential to yield clarity regarding the self, a better balance between the body and the spirit, as well as the capacity to experience more happiness in your own life.
Our Story
A look into the past

The opening
We set up our physiotherapy practice with the name “Fisioterapia Vitalcenter” in the 5-star Hotel Botánico in Puerto de la Cruz, on Tenerife.

We are changing locations!
We are starting out in our new chambers in La Paz as “Fisioterapia Mocán”, and we are growing!
Thanks to our new employees, we’re expanding our range of treatments and we have recently begun offering additional, neurophysiological treatment according to the Bobath method.

We are expanding our services!
Following successful completion of the 5-year extra-occupational osteopathic training, we are now able to offer this holistic treatment method to our patients.

We are making space!
The extension in the basement will provide us with a large, free space where, following this point in time, we will be able to start our active groups (Kegel exercise training, spinal gymnastics, Pilates, etc.).

We are remodelling!
The acquisition of this property shall enable the planning of a practice within a space which measures 250 m2 and which is entirely adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, in accordance with professional requirements. We have ever since been available to provide you with competent service at our location in the “Centro Terapia Mocán”, Calle der Turina 25 in El Durazno.
Our Chambers
Have a look around
In October of 2010, we moved to our new chambers in the “El Durazno” district of Puerto de la Cruz.
This presented us with the opportunity to design the chambers for optimal functionality and use. All of the rooms are on one level, without stairs or other obstacles, so that access to our chambers poses no problems to those of our patients with disabilities.
We have 5 treatment rooms, a fitness lounge, a group room, 2 water closets, one of which is accessible to persons with disabilities.
Please come and have a look around! Enjoy!