
Relief of pain and tension

Fascias are connective and supportive tissue in the body that surround the muscles, organs and the skeleton. The fascias form a three-dimensional network that give us shape and support.

Blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves run through, between and inside the fascias to the regions they supply. They contain numerous nerve fibres, which makes them very sensitive, which is why they respond to tension and impairment of the fascia system with a sense of well-being in the case of the former, and pain in the case of the latter. They are composed of liquid for the most part, and they run through our bodies in continuous and all-pervading fashion, i.e. they are connected together, which explains, among other things, why they sometimes transmit symptoms / sensations of pain.

To illustrate this, imagine that all of the organs, bones and everything else have been removed from your body, with the exception of the fascias… The remaining “shell” would be unequivocally identified as belonging to you.
Relaxed, flexible fasicas are therefore needed for good and proper functioning of the supply and disposal channels in the body’s tissue.

Prolonged postural dysfunction, muscle tenseness, injuries or operations can result in adhesions of the fasicias. It has also been proven that stress can likewise cause contractions of the fascias as a result of changes in hormone metabolism (principally adrenaline). The results are – as we have long observed in daily practice – localised as well as radiating pain in the affected areas.

Apart from manual treatment of fascias, patients are also made familiar with Blackroll products, which they can also use themselves to dissolve the adhesions. This allows the patients to avoid additional muscle tension. For this reason, we also offer regular fascia fitness courses in which we treat the body using stretching and mobilisation exercises as well as fascia rolls and balls.

Our “specialties” may be summed up here in detail:

In accordance with the FDM fascial distortion model

The model was designed in 1991 by osteopath Stephen Typaldos. He observed various fascial dysfunctions which, according to the descriptions provided by his patients, occurred in repeated patterns. Typaldos was able to localise and typify these dysfunctions on the basis of both the oral testimony and body language of his patients. The adhesions in the fascia system were dissolved with the aid of specific manual techniques.

In accordance with the EFT method - efficient functional therapy

This technique is based on many years of scientific work completed by Dr. Dieter Lazik. The technique employs simple examination and treatment methods that quickly produce successful therapy results.

The different kinds of therapy are accompanied by strength and mobilisation tests, whereby the operating principle is revealed to the therapist, as well as to the patient.

Fascia fitness

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Contact us

We care about your health…

+34 922 388 739
+34 639 773 352
Calle Turina 25/ El Durazno
E- 38400 Puerto de la Cruz